This school belongs to the Public interest incorporated foundation NIHON SHUJI GAKKAI ( 公益財団法人 日本習字学会 ). They use the text based on SHO.

This is not a short course, because it takes a long time to learn and to understand SHODO.

You may attend  WARAN MIZUKUKI-KAI for a long time, but also you can stop it anytime you want. In this school, you will learn the 4 styles of Sho

( kai-sho(楷書), Gyou-sho(行書), Sou-sho(草書), and Kana(仮名)).

You’ll learn a new text from a Japanese book (Nihon shuji gakkai ) every month, and your best works are sent to Japan, then your grade mentioned in the book.

Lesson Time 

The lessons last 2 hours, 3 times every month (No lessons in August ). Usually our lessons begin in the first week of the month.

*For the kids = last 1 hours, For the junior high school= last 1.5 hours.

Lesson schedule

datumlesson timeavailability
Tuesday10:00-12:00Currently fully booked
Tuesday19:00-21:00Currently fully booked
Wednesday10:00-12:00Currently fully booked
Friday15:00-17:001 seats available
Friday19:00-21:00Currently fully booked

Lesson Cost

AgeMonthly fees (incl. book costs)
For adult ( from 16 years old and older )
* when you become high level , it will be little higher.
Kids from kindergarten and basic school (up to 12 years old )€30-
for junior high school ( 13 ~15 years old )€40-

There are 3 lessens per month.
When you skip lessons, the cost will stay the same. When possible you can change incidentally for instance from Tuesday to Friday, or the other way around .( also possible on Skype-les depend on the situation)

You may one month skip the lesson (because of vacation, business or else),

but then you should let me know about that one week before the next month.

I make your new text in the last week of the month, so, if I already made it for you, I must ask you normal cost of the lesson.

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